
Now offering acupuncture & trigger point needling services!

Morristown, NJ ★ Ph : 973-998-7737 ★ Fx : 973-998-7739 ★

Video Interview of Jerry Vezza

Featured Video Post Patient Interview with Jerry Vezza Recovering from Achilles Tear, Low Back & Neck Pain Identified & Addressed Root Cause of Pain “He’s changed my life” – Patient Jerry Vezza on Dr. Joe, praising the rehab he’s received at with us and the difference he sees in being a CAMISA patient. Changing lives […]

Dr. Stuart McGill on Mark Bell’s Power Project Podcast

Featured Video Post Dr. Stuart McGill on Mark Bell’s Power Project Podcast How to Protect Your Back Dr. Stuart M. McGill is a former professor at the University of Waterloo, where he was a professor for 30 years. His laboratory and experimental research clinic investigates issues related to the causal mechanisms of back pain, how […]

Tips to Avoid Back Pain and Injury While Working From Home

Woman working on laptop in her home office

Article Blog Post Tips to Avoid Back Pain and Injury While Working From Home Quest for the Perfect Chair The perfect chair doesn’t exist, but these practices can help. While most of us know that plopping ourselves on the couch with a laptop on our legs isn’t the most ergonomic choice, few of us have […]

Lower Back Pain & The New Science of the Golf Swing with Dr. Stuart McGill

Portrait of Dr. Stuart McGill posing alongside weight rack

Audio Podcast Post Lower Back Pain & The New Science of Golf Swing w/ Dr. Stuart McGill Key to a Successful Golf Swing We highly recommend this podcast episode featuring Dr. Stuart McGill with Joe DiStefano from Dr. Stuart McGill’s Background This week, I sit for a second time with Dr. Stuart McGill, one […]